How should you invest during a period of high inflation?
This is a question we were asked recently. It is a completely rational question, after all UK inflation was recently at its highest rate in 40 years. However, it is a question from someone who does not yet fully understand our investment philosophy. It really doesn’t matter whether the question is, “how should I...
A tip for those investing for retirement
If you are still in the stage of your life where you are accumulating assets for your future, temporary market declines or Stock Market crashes can be seen as a good thing, this is because they enable you to accumulate shares at low prices. The media’s ‘stock market crash’ has historically been the accumulator’s sale,...
Temporary Stock Market Declines
It is impossible to predict the timing or severity of the next stock market crash (or temporary market decline as we prefer to call them) with any precision. What we can be confident of is that any temporary market decline (bear market) will be followed by a bull market where the capital markets will resume...
How to find our office
How to find the Best Life Financial Planning office for meetings.
Are you an investment collector?
Have you accumulated a number of different investments and pensions, but there's no clear strategy and you're not really sure what they are doing for you? How will they help you live the life that you want? Perhaps you have an Emerging Markets fund here, a US fund or some gold over there, perhaps an investment your employer chose for you twenty years ago? You may have become an investment collector! In this video I touch on the importance of having a clear investment strategy/philosophy that you really believe in.
When is the right time to invest?
When is the right time to invest? In this video I explore this question that I am often asked. Crystal ball at the ready! 🔮
Welcome to Best Life Financial Planning
The Financial Planning Process
What is involved in the financial planning process? From when you first contact us at Best Life Financial Planning to working together on an ongoing basis.
Financial Forecasting (Cashflow Modelling)
Factfulness – Hans Rosling
Factfulness: The stress-reducing habit of only carrying opinions for which you have strong supporting facts.
Ready Steady Retire – Justin King and Martin Bamford
A meaningful retirement is worth planning for, but it doesn't happen by accident. Ready, Steady, Retire!
The Behaviour Gap – Carl Richards
It's not that we're dumb. We're wired to avoid pain and pursue pleasure and security. It feels right to sell when everyone around us is scared and buy when everyone feels great.
The New Retirementality – Mitch Anthony
With this latest edition of The New Retirementality, readers will quickly discover how to achieve the freedom to pursue their retirement goals.
Your life is not about making money,
your money is about making a life